Well, well I have been busy. To say the least, lets focus on this painting and what challenges I faced. To tell you the truth I had started this painting a very long time ago. Basically the outline was from a book, "Digital Character Design and Painting: the Photoshop CS edition" by Don Seegmiller. And this tut focused on the face. When I started, I had just dabbed some basic colors on this painting and suddenly stopped and let it sit in the bowels of my computer for more than a year I reckon. Why you say? Well at the time, I just couldn't come to terms with understanding values and tones in terms of painting in general. As a matter of fact I still don't. But as I continue in motivating myself with each piece that I paint, it all starts to make sense slowly but surely.
So, on to analyzing the painting. On this painting, I think the main focus was on the face. And I hope that was conveyed. The challenge I faced here was getting the folds on the turban to be accurate. And by accurate I mean the way the folds overlapped each other and having the appropriate shadows and light hitting the correct areas. I think of particular interest to me was the earrings. I think the "tricky" part was actually making the roundness of the earrings. But the coolest thing of the earrings is how to achieve that cool looking shiny bling. It was quite easy actually.
Just by using a soft round airbrush and white as the color, I painted a big dot over the earring on a seperate layer. Then I Gaussian Blurred it and lowered the opacity by around 50 percent or less. Simple as that.
This piece is interesting cause it reminds me of untainted cultural aestheticism.